Antioch UMC music programs Choir info

The Sanctuary Choir sings weekly in the Sunday morning worship service, and presents larger musical works on special occasions such as Christmas and Easter. We are very fortunate to have a large amount of talent at Antioch. The ability to read music is by no means necessary to sing with the choir. The Sanctuary Choir rehearses on Sunday mornings from 11:30 to 12:30. The Sanctuary Choir is open to person's from the seventh grade up.

The hand bell choir rehearses at various times throughout the year. The bells ring during the worship service at various times of the year. AUMC bell choir is open to anyone from the 4th grade up. It isn't necessary to read music. A desire to ring is what we are looking for! Join us and experience the fun of ringing bells!

The praise band rehearses weekly before Worship on Sundays. Please see Zach Taylor if you are interested.